5 Myths About Nonprofits, Debunked

5 Myths About Nonprofits, Debunked

Despite the recent recession, the nonprofit sector has seen steady growth in employment, wages, and number of organizations. As a result, there are many talented people from the corporate sector looking into these new opportunities. As the crossover between...
Storytelling 101 for Nonprofits

Storytelling 101 for Nonprofits

  Storytelling is our oldest and most effective form of sharing knowledge. It has sparked our imaginations and has helped us make sense of the world since ancient times. Not surprisingly, nonprofits and businesses have taken up storytelling to get their messages...
Meet Flipcause Co-Founder Alison Dale

Meet Flipcause Co-Founder Alison Dale

This Interview was originally posted on June 9 on Glassbreakers.co “Glassbreaker of the Day” blog. Glassbreakers is a peer mentorship community for professional women, launched earlier this year with a mission of  “empowering women to...