Payment Processing

Merchant Account for Small Nonprofits

Tired of paying too much in processing fees? Of reconciling revenue from different sources? You should be! Flipcause payment processing is designed specifically for small nonprofits to keep your funds protected, your costs low, and your bookkeeper happy.

Plug and play

No need to apply for and connect a separate merchant account to process credit cards for your fundraising tools on Flipcause. It’s built in – no set up or IT required!


Whether general fund donations, event tickets, merchandise sales, or that major fundraiser – every transaction is automatically reconciled. A centralized merchant account allows you to track your total revenue in one place.

None of the hassle

That means you get monthly statements sent to your bookkeeper, just like a normal bank account. No more combining spreadsheets from different sources.

Immediate funds access

As soon as a transaction is processed, the funds are in your account and available for transfer. You control when and how much you transfer – no waiting 30 days for a payout.

Protection like no other

Flipcause uses the same industry-leading payment processing technology as the biggest companies. On top of that, we added protection designed specifically for the needs of nonprofits.

Flipcause saves your organization money and stress from dealing with rampant chargebacks. Our platform maintains less than a 0.05% dispute rate across our entire user base.

Industry-low processing cost

Because of our unique structure, we’re able to offer our unique 1.5% guaranteed effective rate. You can save hundreds or thousands on transaction costs.

Ready to save time and money?


Flipcause Payment Processing Gives You

Bank-level security
No IT set up
Allow supporters to cover the fees
All transaction records in one place
Automatically reconciled transactions
Statements automatically emailed
Funds immediately available
Industry-low transaction rates
Fraud protection specifically for nonprofits
"I have been so pleased with Flipcause. It makes donors aware of the cost of transaction, and gives them the opportunity to cover that cost. It also has excellent customer service. Flipcause has earned my nonprofit a more professional reputation, and for that we are all very thankful."

Victoria W., President
Middletown, DE
Customer Since May, 2015