Boost Your Nonprofit’s Impact: 10 Power-Packed Summer Fundraising Ideas for 2023

by | Jun 27, 2023 | Engage, Fundraise

Boost Your Nonprofit’s Impact: 10 Power-Packed Summer Fundraising Ideas for 2023

As the mercury rises, so should your nonprofit’s impact! Summer’s social ambiance, characterized by people wanting to enjoy outdoor events and immerse themselves in their local community, can boost your nonprofit’s fundraising efforts. By tapping into this enthusiasm and organizing creative fundraisers that resonate with your audience, your nonprofit can harness the power of summer to raise extra funds. Unleash the true potential of summer with our curated collection of 10 must-try fundraising ideas that will engage your supporters and deliver an unforgettable experience for your community.

1. Outdoor Movie Night

An outdoor movie night is a fun and engaging way to bring your community together while raising funds for your nonprofit. Select a family-friendly movie, find a suitable outdoor location, and charge admission to the event. To further increase revenue, offer popcorn and other refreshments for sale. Keep in mind the costs of renting projection equipment, acquiring necessary permits, and ensuring safety measures are in place. Encourage local businesses to sponsor the event or donate supplies to help cover costs.

2. Charity Bike Ride

Organizing a charity bike ride is a fantastic way to promote health and wellness in your community while also raising funds for your nonprofit. Choose a route that caters to cyclists of all levels and offers beautiful scenery. Require participants to collect pledges from friends and family based on the distance they ride. Don’t forget to consider costs related to permits, signage, and support staff, and explore partnerships with local bike shops and health organizations to offset expenses.

3. Virtual Run/Walk

In light of the ongoing popularity of virtual events, consider hosting a virtual run/walk where participants can complete the course on their own time and at their own pace. This enables supporters from various locations to join in and eliminates the need for costly permits and event insurance. Encourage participants to fundraise through social media, and consider partnering with a local fitness studio to offer virtual training sessions leading up to the event.

4. Artists’ Showcase

A creative way to engage your community and raise funds is by hosting an artists’ showcase, where local artists can sell their work, and a percentage of the sales go toward your organization. Promote the event as a way to support both local artists and your cause, and include a variety of artistic disciplines, such as painting, sculpture, photography, and pottery. Be mindful of costs associated with venue rental, marketing, and staffing for the event.

5. Themed Trivia Night

Host a themed trivia night to bring people together for a fun and competitive fundraiser. Select a theme that resonates with your organization’s mission or the interests of your supporters. Charge a registration fee for each team, and consider offering additional revenue-generating opportunities such as a silent auction or raffle. To reduce costs, reach out to local businesses for prize donations and consider hosting the event at a local restaurant or community center with a revenue-sharing agreement.

6. Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

Organize a neighborhood scavenger hunt, where participants pay a registration fee to receive clues leading to various locations throughout the community. Incorporate local businesses and landmarks to build a sense of community engagement. Consider incorporating a digital element, such as asking participants to share photos from each location on social media, tagged with your organization’s hashtag. The hunt can conclude with a celebratory event where prizes are awarded to the winning teams.

7. Cook-off Competition

A cook-off competition is a tasty way to bring your community together and raise funds for your organization. Choose a specific dish or cuisine, such as chili or BBQ, and charge an entry fee for competitors. Attendees can taste the entries and vote for their favorites by making a donation. Partner with local restaurants or chefs to serve as judges and consider hosting the event at a local park or community venue to minimize costs.

8. Talent Show

Host a talent show where local performers can showcase their skills in support of your nonprofit. Charge an entry fee for performers and sell tickets to spectators. Consider offering tiered ticket pricing options, such as VIP tickets granting access to premium seating and refreshments. Reach out to local businesses for sponsorship opportunities and prize donations. To boost excitement, invite local celebrities or influencers to serve as judges or emcees.

9. Car Wash

A classic car wash fundraiser is a simple and effective way to raise money for your nonprofit. Organize a team of volunteers to wash cars for a suggested donation, and reach out to local businesses to offer their parking lot as a venue. Remember to secure access to water sources and consider partnering with local auto shops to provide supplies such as soap, buckets, and towels.

10. Virtual Workshop Series

Consider offering a virtual workshop series led by experts in various topics relevant to your organization’s mission or aligned with the interests of your supporters. Charge a registration fee to attend the entire series or individual sessions. Depending on your organization’s focus, workshops could cover topics such as personal development, health and wellness, arts and crafts, or cooking. Reach out to local experts or partner with relevant businesses to lead the workshops. This approach not only raises funds but also provides valuable content to engage your audience and showcase your organization’s commitment to its mission.

Best Practices for Fundraising Success

  • Start planning early and establish a clearly defined goal for your fundraiser.
  • Engage your community and volunteers in the planning and execution of the event, leveraging their skills and networks to enhance your campaign’s success.
  • Communicate the impact of donations, emphasizing how funds will directly support your organization’s mission.
  • Utilize social media and other digital tools to promote your fundraiser, track progress, and engage supporters.

Leveraging Flipcause Fundraising Tools for Your Summer Events

Flipcause offers a comprehensive suite of fundraising tools that streamline the planning and execution of your summer events. With a user-friendly platform, nonprofits can easily manage event registrations, ticket sales, and online donations, ensuring a seamless experience for supporters. The platform also allows for peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding, empowering your community to create their own campaigns and expand your reach. By integrating Flipcause’s tools into your summer fundraisers, your organization can maximize its impact while focusing on creating memorable experiences and advancing its mission.

Waiting Till “Peak Season” to Fundraise?

Summer is an opportune time for nonprofits to reconnect with donors, celebrate achievements, recruit volunteers, and most importantly, learn and test new ways to raise support. While much of the annual giving occurs between October and December, the summer season allows nonprofit organizations to focus on the non-transactional aspects of fundraising and prepare for a successful year-end. Flipcause provides valuable insights through its reporting and analytics features. This allows your nonprofit to track progress, understand donor behavior, and identify successful campaign elements. By utilizing the platform’s communication and relationship-building features, your nonprofit can effectively engage your supporters and empower you to learn from your campaigns to drive support year-round. In summary, Flipcause not only streamlines the transactional components of your fundraisers but also plays a pivotal role in fostering deeper connections with your community and bolstering your nonprofit’s overall impact. Adopting Flipcause tools in your summer strategy ensures a well-rounded, more successful fundraising approach now and in preparation for the high-stakes year-end giving season.

Wrapping Up

The summer of 2023 presents an excellent opportunity for nonprofit organizations to explore new and exciting fundraising ideas. By implementing some of these unique campaigns and following best practices, your nonprofit can both strengthen community connections and raise essential funds for your organization’s initiatives. Happy fundraising!