Why Online Fundraising?

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Engage | 4 comments

Why Online Fundraising?

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Engage | 4 comments

Why Online Fundraising?

As the internet becomes more and more part of our daily lives, it’s important for nonprofits to keep up with this trend. Statistics show that 54% of donors worldwide prefer to give online and online giving is growing each year. It grew 21% in 2020 with an overall increase of more than 32% in the last three years! That means donors are moving online and so should you! Here’s what you have to gain from moving toward fundraising online: 


Online Fundraising saves you time & money

Online fundraising builds automation into the process to save you time and money. Think about all of the steps you have to take when you get a check in the mail: wait for the check to be sent, wait for the check to be delivered, manually enter the check into your database, send out a thank you letter and tax receipt. The whole process relies on you doing all the work. 

Now, imagine a donor gives online. The donation is automatically entered into your database and an automatic thank you and tax receipt are sent out without you lifting a finger. That’s the beauty of online fundraising! The process is automated. No more manual entry into spreadsheets. This automation reduces overhead costs and allows your organization to focus on executing its mission. 


You get better data and reporting

Since online fundraising automates your process you have immediate access to your data. You can real-time track your incoming funds and run reports to have a clear picture of your fundraising efforts. Eliminating manual entry also reduces human error. No more missing a zero or adding an extra zero when entering donations. Having better data and reporting allows you to more easily allocate your funds to your programs.


Online Fundraising improves donor relationships

Online giving options reduce friction for your donors and make the process simple and easy for them. 

Donors don’t have to fuss anymore to find their checkbook, an envelope, and stamps to support your organization. They can easily give to your organization from the comfort of their home or really anywhere now with mobile phones. 

They also receive a thank you letter and tax receipt in real-time. Your relationship building starts the moment they give. Not only do you receive their donation, but you also receive their contact information, so you can start cultivating relationships immediately. We recommend creating a welcome email series to get your relationship off to a great start with your donors. 


Online fundraising expands your reach

Moving your fundraising efforts online allows anyone anywhere in the world with internet access the opportunity to join your mission. This allows you to expand your donor base. You are no longer confined to having to see your donors face to face or have their address to make an ask (as you would with direct mailers). Also, with Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer fundraising (where your donors fundraise on your behalf) on the rise, offering an online fundraising option is essential. Allowing your donors to fundraise on your behalf online means they are expanding your donor base for you! As they reach out to their networks, you are still automatically funneling donor information into your database and sending out thank you letters and tax receipts with minimal effort. 


Now what? 

Now that you know the benefits of online giving, here are some things to consider when creating your online donation form: 

  • Have your donation form native to your website. Custom-branded donation pages nested inside a nonprofit’s website raise 6X more money.
  • Make your donation form mobile optimized, make sure donors can give easily on their phone.
  • Make it easy for them! Having a donation form that automatically has suggested giving levels reduces the steps the donor has to take. 
  • Simplify your donation form. Only collect the information you really need, the fewer steps donors have to take the more likely they are to complete their donation.
  • Offer a recurring giving option! The beauty of online giving is that recurring donations are easier than ever. Donors no longer have to remember to send in a monthly or yearly check, the process can be automated with your online donation platform. 


Wondering what the best tools are for online fundraising efforts? We recommend all-in-one integrated solutions over point solutions so that your entire system can work together. There are many options out there, and we work hard to make Flipcause the best, particularly for small nonprofits. You can learn more and run comparisons here.


  1. Levi Armstrong

    I like that you said that online fundraising that can help a charity or foundation save money and time since it’s fully-automated, which means it reduces overhead costs and allows them to focus on their mission entirely. Hopefully, donation drives for frontline medical practitioners and caregivers have this sort of system so they can get funds for this country’s overworked health workers much faster. I’ll try to find one online soon and donate as much as I can. Thanks for this article!

    • Olivia Tsui

      Hi Levi, you’re so welcome. Great point- I hope so too. And thank you for being proactive in contributing to the much-needed efforts of health workers!

  2. childeducation

    Commendable work, giving ample and precise information. I firmly suggest you scan through the website

  3. Ruth Goodman

    I found it informative that you discuss online fundraising. In this modern age, even fundraising can be done online. Since the internet has become a part of our daily lives, nonprofits need to keep up with this trend. This process, process will save time and effort. The donation is automatically entered into your database, and an automatic thank you and tax receipt are sent out without you lifting a finger. That’s the beauty of online fundraising. The process is automated.


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