How to Get Your Nonprofit Noticed

by | Aug 28, 2018 | Engage

How to Get Your Nonprofit Noticed

by | Aug 28, 2018 | Engage


Your nonprofit is one in a million. One in 1.6 million in the U.S. alone, to be more exact. So how can you make your work stand out and ensure that you get the funding you need to advance your mission?

It should go without saying: the most important step you can take is to do good work. Solving problems and actively engaging your community is the foundation for any successful nonprofit and really your raison d’être. But if you’re just starting out or want to get more attention for the work you’re already doing, there are three concrete steps you can take to build your nonprofit’s profile. To stand out from the crowd, you’ll want to craft a memorable mission statement, practice your elevator pitch, and actively seek out networking opportunities.

make your mission statement memorable

Your nonprofit’s mission statement is a single sentence that lets the world know who you serve, what you do, and how you make a difference. You probably already have one in place. (If not you should head over to our post on how to construct the perfect mission statement.) But can you recall your mission statement from memory?

Emotion and memory go hand in hand. Take a moment to read your mission statement and think about how it makes you feel. In fact, you should ask a number of people to read it and ask how it makes them feel. A great mission statement will evoke a strong emotional response, making it—and your nonprofit—memorable to those who encounter it. The most effective mission statements make their readers say: “Yes! I want to see this happen.” And inspire those with fellow feeling to get involved.

If you want your mission statement to evoke an emotional response:

  • Avoid jargon at all costs.
  • Use simple and relatable words.
  • Carefully choose verbs that inspire confidence.

A memorable mission statement is a great way to differentiate yourself from other nonprofits in your cause space. But don’t stop there.

perfect your elevator pitch

Now imagine that you’re in an elevator with, say, Melinda Gates. You have 30 seconds to spark her interest in your work and persuade her to learn more. Open the door for a game-changing grant. What will you tell her?

There are so many aspects to your nonprofit: the day-to-day of managing multiple programs, caring people wearing many hats, ongoing efforts to find the best ways to help the communities you serve. It’s tough to know where to begin and easy to get caught up in the details. Especially when you’re immersed in your work. But it’s also hard to hold anyone’s attention with a long list or meandering speech. And even more difficult when they don’t have the first idea about what you do!

This is where your elevator pitch comes in.

Your elevator pitch is a carefully crafted speech that communicates the most important aspects of your work and impact in a few sentences. So that when you’re asked, “What does your nonprofit do?” you have a compelling answer ready to go.

A perfect start to your elevator pitch is: “We work to…” followed by two or three more sentences communicating the what + how + why of your work. As you craft your speech, focus on what makes your nonprofit’s approach unique from others. Even if you don’t end up in an elevator with Gates, working on your organization’s elevator pitch (and practicing ahead of time with your colleagues) can help you stand out and open doors.

network, network, network

A great mission statement and inspiring elevator pitch help you create your public profile, but won’t get you noticed on their own. You’ll have to get out there and meet the people who care about and invest in your cause.

While networking at events might not be the most traditional marketing tactic, it can be one of the most effective ways to get your name out there and establish your expertise. You’ll have to do some research to find the best networking opportunities in your area. You can start with a simple Google search to find great, local nonprofit events that take place all across the country:

nonprofit networking events

You can also look for events in your area from:

By attending community events and nonprofit conferences, you’ll have the chance to connect with like-minded people and tell them about the important work you’re doing. You may even have the opportunity to sit on a panel or host a session where you can establish your nonprofit as a thought-leader in your field. In addition to elevating your public profile, you’ll learn from others and build a network of people who can help connect you with the resources you need.

Working on crafting a memorable mission statement? Ready to practice your elevator pitch or have event recommendations to share? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!