Top Nonprofit Blogs to Bookmark Today

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Build | 4 comments

Top Nonprofit Blogs to Bookmark Today

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Build | 4 comments

Top Nonprofit Blogs to Bookmark Today

It’s no surprise: thought leaders in the nonprofit sector, many with decades of experience, still take the time to give back to others. Many of the most respected professionals run their own blogs to shed light on best practices, challenge the status quo, and even offer humor to help folks fundraise smarter. If you’re not already taking advantage of their generosity and knowledge, today is the day to start.

We’ve compiled a list of (what we consider to be) the best nonprofit blogs out there to help you learn from the best of the best:


1. Clairification 

Clairification blog

In this blog, you’ll learn about: Annual Giving, Donor Retention, Major & Legacy Gifts, Online Fundraising, Boards & Leadership, Content Marketing, Social Engagement, Strategy & Management, and Culture & Values

Claire Axelrad (@charityclairity on Twitter) has been called a Fundraising Ninja, and we have to agree. Her insightful posts stem from a growing concern about how many nonprofits get stuck “in a vicious cycle of implementation, with no direction- like hamsters on a wheel.”

Don’t let it be you!

Drawing on her 30 years of experience in fundraising, she helps nonprofits find their direction by adapting to the ever-evolving industry to become true leaders. Her goal is to see more nonprofits become true “sustainable social benefit organizations”– those that help people be the change they want to see in their communities and the world.

In addition to her own insights, tips, and tricks, Claire curates the weekly “Clarity Click-It,” a hand-picked selection of the best articles on the web about philanthropy, fundraising, social media, and more.




The Agitator and Donor Voice blog logo

In this blog, you’ll find articles about: Opinions on Industry Trends, Topics in Behavioral Science, Whitepapers and Case Studies in Philanthropy, and Direct Mail and Online Fundraising

The Agitator is written by nonprofit marketers and fundraisers who were fed up with the status quo. They saw organizations using best practices in ways that weren’t producing results, and decided to do something about it. As the name suggests, their content asks tough questions and presses the nonprofit industry to evolve the way it approaches fundraising.

And their content will challenge you to do the same.

Each article is a little different, but you’ll find some creative gems in this blog. The authors aren’t just fundraising experts, but also literary and playful in their writing. One of our favorite posts is about data hygiene (which can easily be a snooze to read about), but they take on the subject by creating a script for an old-school PSA. And it’s not style over substance; their opinions are backed up by data and carefully considered.




Beth Kanter's blog

In this blog, you’ll learn about: Social Media Marketing & Measurement, Network Building, Tech Tools for Nonprofits, Company Culture, Donor Engagement, and Data Science

Beth Kanter (@kanter) is well known as a thought leader in the nonprofit world. She was one of the first to publish about using social media for social impact and has lectured at Stanford University.

While her content might not look super modern, her advice is invaluable.

Her fundraising blog is one of the longest-running on the web and focuses on networking, social media, marketing, data, and social engagement as the keystones to successful fundraising in today’s interconnected world. Beth is the co-author of The Networked Nonprofit (with Allison Fine) and Measuring the Networked Nonprofit (with KD Paine), which explore the topics of social fundraising in great detail. A nonprofit fundraiser since childhood, Beth has over 30 years as a professional fundraiser and consultant. If you’re not afraid of getting into the nitty-gritty of network building, both online and offline, this is the blog for you.




Future Fundraising Now blog

In this blog, you’ll find articles about: Donor Cultivation, Workplace Dynamics, and Relationship Building through Technology

Jeff Brooks’ blog is based on the singular idea that the future of nonprofit fundraising is not about social media, SEM, video blogs, or any other new technology; it’s about donors.

His blog provides witty insights into building long-lasting relationships with donors.  His 3 rules:

  1. Fundraising is all about specificity. It’s the specific change you’re asking the donor to help make with their gift. Abstractions and generalities fail to move donors to action.
  2. Fundraising is about building relationships. Don’t think of donors as ATMs that dispense money from time to time. Think of them as friends who do cool things with you. It’s a two-way relationship. Both sides give and both sides receive.
  3. Fundraising transforms donors. When you know the amazing things that happen in their lives when they give to you, you’ll enjoy fundraising a lot more. And you’ll do a better job.

He also co-hosts (with Steven Screen) a great podcast called Fundraising is Beautiful. Follow him on Twitter @JeffBrooks.



The Storytelling Nonprofit Blog

In this blog, you’ll learn about: Storytelling for Social Good, Fundraising, and Nonprofit Communications

The Storytelling Nonprofit’s Vanessa Chase knows the power of sharing impact with donors.

Now a fundraising and communications strategist based in Vancouver, her past life was in the trenches working as a development officer for several nonprofits.  After reviewing many of their year-end appeals, she noticed that these nonprofits talked a lot about what they did, but NOT about how they did it or why.  Her epiphany was that nonprofit fundraising would be much easier—and much more successful—if donors could feel the same magic she did when working on the inside of the organizations.  Effective storytelling was just the way to do it.  Their tagline “The Storytelling Non-Profit is not just a name. It’s a vision and hope for the sector” says it all, and we at Flipcause wholeheartedly agree.  Learn all about how to tell stories that inspire action on the blog, or follow her on Twitter @VanessaEChase.




The TechSoup Blog header

In this blog, you’ll learn about: Business and Technology Planning, Fundraising, Website Management, and Innovations in the Social Sector

While TechSoup is an amazing resource for nonprofits looking for discounted technology, they also publish lots of great content to help you run an effective nonprofit.




In this blog, you’ll find articles about: Program & Service Delivery, Digital Communications & Marketing, Fundraising & Development, Operations & Organization Management, and Technology Management

The NTEN Connect blog is a community-sourced publication offering first-hand advice from professionals in the nonprofit tech industry. They are conscious about sharing a variety of perspectives, so you can learn from others’ experiences.

In 2018, we co-authored a piece on How to Prepare for CRM Demos that was featured, and they always have a fresh rotation of content. Because they cover a broad variety of topics, you’re likely to find insights related to your current projects in your inbox when you subscribe for their updates.


And just for fun…


Do yourself a favor and bookmark these blogs or subscribe to their newsletters. With years of experience and candid, off-the-cuff writing styles, these bloggers are sure to inspire.

P.S. Make sure to bookmark the Flipcause blog, The Modern Nonprofit!


  1. Marodi Relief Organization

    Marodi is a nonprofit organization that helps poor people in need and we wanted to see if you can help us with this matter. Thanks!

    • Nathan Dennen

      Hi Marodi Relief Organization. Thank you for the important work you are doing in Africa. If you are looking to better engage your communities and pull in more donations to support your efforts to help people in need, Flipcause can be a great resource! If you would like to learn more about how Flipcause can help sign up to check out a quick online demo here:

  2. Juan Arango

    Thanks for all the information, is very important for our organization, but now at days the security is very important for nonprofits

    so do the risks associated with online business. Cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated and targeted, and nonprofits are especially vulnerable. Here are some tips on how to protect your nonprofit from cyber-attacks:

    1. Educate yourself and your staff on cybersecurity risks. Awareness is key to prevention.

    2. Keep your software and anti-virus programs up to date. Outdated software is one of the biggest vulnerabilities for any organization.

    3. Create strong passwords and don’t reuse them. Passwords should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

    4. Back up your data regularly. This way, if you are attacked, you can quickly restore your data from a backup.

    5. Use secure communication methods. When sharing sensitive information, use encryption and other security measures to protect it.

    6. Be careful about clicking on links and opening attachments. Malicious emails are often used to spread viruses and malware.

    7. Monitor your credit card statements for suspicious activity. If you see something that doesn’t look right, report it to your credit card company immediately.

    8. Have a plan in place for how to respond to a cyber-attack. This should include who to contact, what steps to take, and how to minimize the damage.

    By following these tips, you can help protect your nonprofit from becoming the victim of a cyber-attack.

    see more:

    see more: Ways to protect nonprofits