33 Must-Know Fundraising Terms

by | Jul 24, 2018 | Build, Fundraise | 4 comments

33 Must-Know Fundraising Terms

by | Jul 24, 2018 | Build, Fundraise | 4 comments


You know the feeling: you’re in the middle of a big meeting and suddenly the acronyms start flying. You scribble furiously to write them down to the best of your ability:

Note to self: what’s a lie-bunt?
C-R-M? Lookup later!

Especially if you’re new to nonprofit fundraising, there’s a ton of jargon out there! So we’ve put together a list of must-know fundraising terms to prepare you for your next fundraising conversation. Not only will your meetings be more productive but you’ll also know the terminology to take your fundraising efforts to the next level.

33 fundraising terms to know (before you need them)

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TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE: Vocab flashcards

This list is by no means definitive! Let us know in the comments if there are words you’d like us to add. 


  1. DreamorDonate

    Brilliant article, these are beyond essential terms and I’ll be sharing them with the team. Thank you!

    • Olivia Tsui

      Thanks. Yes, there’s certainly a lot to know, and we’re so glad this could be of use to you and your team!

  2. Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan

    Very nice articles.
    It was helpful as we try to help a small boy get back to his normal life.

  3. The Catalyst

    A useful article on fundraising terms! Fundraising is an essential part of running a nonprofit organization, but it can be difficult to understand all the terms and concepts involved. The information provided in this article is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about fundraising. From “donor acquisition” to “stewardship,” this article provides a comprehensive overview of 33 important fundraising terms. I appreciate the clear and concise definitions provided and am sure that it will be a valuable resource for anyone involved in nonprofit fundraising. Thanks for sharing!


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